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DEAR MR. PLATINI – DEAR UEFA OFFICIALS TURKISH FOOTBALL IS CORRUPTED.! UEFA BANNED THE CLUB INVOLVED IN MATCH FIXING FROM CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. HOWEVER, FOR THE LAST 8 MONTHS, TURKISH FOOTBALL FEDERATIONS HAS BLOCKED THE APPLICATION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST MATCH-FIXING. THE LACK OF ETHICS DESTROYED FOOTBALL AND ITS STAKEHOLDERS. WE ARE WITNESSING THE CREATION OF AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE MATCH-FIXING IS FULLY TOLERATED. REMEMBER UEFA ETHICS.! INTERVENE AND APPLY DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS IMMEDIATELY.! AND SAVE TURKISH FOOTBALL.! PLEASE.! TURKISH FAIR-PLAY PLATFORM MONSIEUR PLATINI ET MESSIEURS LES RESPONSABLES DE L’UEFA, LE FOOTBALL TURC EST CORROMPU.! L’UEFA A EXCLU DE LA LIGUE DES CHAMPIONS, LE CLUB IMPLIQUE DANS DES AFFAIRES DE TRUCAGE DE MATCHES. CEPENDANT, DEPUIS 8 MOIS, LA FEDERATION TURQUE DE FOOTBALL A BLOQUE L’APPLICATION DES MESURES DISCIPLINAIRES CONTRE LE TRUCAGE DE MATCHES. LE MANQUE D’ETHIQUE A DETRUIT LE FOOTBALL ET SES PARTENARIATS. NOUS TEMOIGNONS LA CREATION D’UN ENVIRONNEMENT OU LE TRUCAGE DE MATCHES EST ENTIEREMENT TOLERE. SOUVENEZ-VOUS DES VALEURS DE L’UEFA.! INTERVENEZ ET APPLIQUEZ IMMEDIATEMENT LES MESURES DISCIPLINAIRES.! NOUS VOUS DEMANDONS DE SAUVER LE FOOTBALL TURC.! S’IL VOUS PLAIT.! PLATEFORME TURQUE DE FAIR-PLAY - TDFAJANS – Toplum Dinamikleri Fikir Ajansı Sosyal, Kültürel, Ticari, Eğitim ve Sanatsal Alanlarda; Düşünce Üretimi. Paylaşımı. Toplum Yararına kullanımı.! Bilgi Sahibi Olunmadan Fikir Sahibi Olunamaz.! Olunsa olunsa; Ancak Başkalarının Fikirlerini Tekrarlayan Papağan Olunur. NOTIFICATION REGARDING THE BREACH OF UEFA DISCIPLINARY REGULATIONS AND UEFA STATUTES BY TURKISH FOOTBALL FEDERATIONS Attn : UEFA Disciplinary Committee Re : Turkish Football Federations, Match-Fixing Investigation 13 March 2012 Dear Mr. Cornu, Turkish Football Federations (“TFF”) has been constantly delaying the time schedule to take disciplinary actions against those who have been involved in match-fixing. Such breach of UEFA Disciplinary Regulations and UEFA Statutes has been destroying the interests of all the stakeholders of Turkish and European football. Please find below a summary of facts: 1. Turkish Football Federations have been refusing to take any disciplinary action as to the clubs and individuals involved in match-fixing. Ignoring the requirements of UEFA Disciplinary Code and UEFA Statutes necessitates the intervention of UEFA. · The investigation by · After analysing entire set of evidence, the Ethics Committee of TFF drafted an expert report on the match-fixing issue which clearly states that Fenerbahçe football club has been involved in match-fixing whereas Trabzonspor has not committed any match-fixing action. However, the TFF board refused to take impose any disciplinary action on Fenerbahçe. · As of 24 August 2011, with the initiative of UEFA Disciplinary Committee, Turkish Football Federations announced that Fenerbahçe Football Club has been banned from Champions League. The same day, UEFA mentioned in a far-reaching press release that TFF withdrew Fenerbahçe from Champions League “due to the fact that the club has been involved in match fixing”. In addition, UEFA Emergency Panel replaced Fenerbahçe with Trabzonspor. · Fenerbahçe’s ban from Champions League is based on the UEFA Champions League Regulation. Article 2.05 of the said Regulation reads as follows: “If, on the basis of all the factual circumstances and information available to UEFA, UEFA concludes to its comfortable satisfaction that a club has been directly and/or indirectly involved, since the entry into force of Article 50 (3) of the UEFA Statutes, i.e. 27 Nisan · Despite such official statement of UEFA, TFF has constantly postponed the issue and refused to take any disciplinary action. · In this process, the TFF issued self-contradictory statements. On 15 August 2011, TFF stated that the disciplinary action will be taken when the criminal charge report is announced. However, as of 9 September 2011, the TFF decided and announced that the disciplinary actions will be imposed at the end of 2011-2012 season. · Meanwhile, the main piece of legislation containing provisions which are applicable against bribery and match-fixing in Turkey “Law No. · Ironically, on January 26, 2011; the general assembly of TFF refused to amend the Disciplinary Regulation. Accordingly, the president and the board of TFF resigned. · On February 27, 2011; the new president, Mr. Yıldırım Demirören, has been elected with the campaign directly organized by two newspapers both owned by the new president. 2. Before being elected as the president of TFF, Mr. Yıldırım Demirören was the president of Beşiktaş Football Club. There are certain reasons that may lead the new president to avoid the practice of disciplinary actions: · It is important to note that the vice-president of Beşiktaş Football Club – namely Serdal Adalı- and the manager of the team – namely Tayfur Havutçu- are still under criminal prosecution. Both have been arrested and detained for several months due to match-fixing. · In addition, Mr. Yıldırım Demirören has a volume of outstanding personal receivables against Beşiktaş football club exceeding 100 million Turkish Liras (exceeding 42 million Euros). Therefore, any potential disciplinary action on Beşiktaş football club may jeopardise the financial structure of the club and Mr. Yıldırım Demirören would never be able to collect any of its receivables. · The new president of TFF Arbitration Council is Mr. Engin Tuzcuoğlu. Prior to his appointment to TFF Arbitration Council, Mr. Tuzcuoğlu has announced his view of Fenerbahçe and match-fixing actions; on facebook, twitter and within press-releases. He declared as follows: “The report of TFF Ethics Committee is groundless and no disciplinary action can be imposed against Fenerbahçe.”. It is beyond doubt that the statements of Mr. Engin Tuzcuoğlu is a reflection of the legal principle known and recognized universally as “comments reflecting bias”. Mr. Tuzcuoğlu pre-judged the issue and revealed his vote. Therefore, one cannot expect him to be impartial on the match-fixing actions of Fenerbahçe football club. CONSEQUENTLY: (1) The Turkish Football Federations lacks impartiality under the provisions of TFF Main Statute, Disciplinary Regulation and UEFA Disciplinary Regulations. Hence, TFF shall immediately withdraw from match-fixing investigation. (2) The UEFA Disciplinary Committee shall immediately intervene in the investigation process and resolve on the issue. TÜRK FUTBOL FEDERASYONLAR TARAFINDAN UEFA Disiplin Talimatnamesi ve UEFA TÜZÜĞÜ VE İHLALİ İLGİLİ BİLDİRİM Tüzüğü Madde 2.05 şöyledir: "Bütün somut koşullara ve UEFA mevcut bilgiler temelinde, UEFA bir kulüp yürürlüğe girmesinden bu yana, doğrudan ve / veya dolaylı olarak ilgili olduğunu konforlu memnuniyeti sonucuna, varsa. UEFA Tüzüğü'nün 50 (3), yani 27 Nisan 2007, ulusal veya uluslararası düzeyde bir maçın sonucunun düzenlenmesi veya etkilemeye yönelik herhangi bir etkinlik, UEFA yarışmaya katılmak için uygun olmayan bu tür kulüp ilan edecek. ". Bu göz önüne alındığında Fenerbahçe Şampiyonlar Ligi yasaklandı, bu TFF ve UEFA "Fenerbahçe, ulusal veya uluslararası düzeyde bir maçın sonucu düzenlenmesi ya da etkilemeye yönelik faaliyetlerde bulunan edildiğini rahat memnuniyetini sonucuna" devlet adil.
Ökkeş Bölükbaşı, İstanbul - TDFAJANS – Toplum Dinamikleri Fikir Ajansı Sosyal, Kültürel, Ticari, Eğitim ve Sanatsal Alanlarda; Düşünce Üretimi. Paylaşımı. Toplum Yararına kullanımı.! Bilgi Sahibi Olunmadan Fikir Sahibi Olunamaz.! Olunsa Olunsa; Ancak Başkalarının Fikirlerini Tekrarlayan Papağan Olunur. |
Trabzonlular Birleşiniz. Trabzonlu İşadamları, İşkadınları, Çalışanlar, Genç Kızlar-Erkekler, Okuyan çocuklar Birlik ve Bütünlüğü Sağlamak Sizin Ellerinizde..!
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