Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Çöküşü Yaklaşıyor..!.

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Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Çöküşü Yaklaşıyor..!.
Her Cuma, devletin yaklaşan, kaçınılmaz çöküşü hakkında yazıyorum. Bu yazılarım çok ilgi ile karşılanıyor ve sorular geliyor. Bugün sıkça sorulanlardan bazılarına cevap vermek istiyorum. 
Sizin aklınızda olanlar da olabilir bunlar.
En çok sorulan, “Floyd, nasıl diyebiliyorsun, devletin çöküşü kaçınılmaz diye; geleceği bilemezsin.” Cevabım basit; ben matematik eğitimi aldım.

Pek çok bilim dalında cevaplar pek kesin olmayabilir. Küresel ısınma mı var.? Küresel soğuma mı var? Birkaç iklim bilimi uzmanını bir araya getirin; yalnız iki değişik cevap değil bir yığın olasılık ve ilgi çekici cevaplar çıkar ortaya.
Ancak bu deneyi matematikçilerle yapın, hepsinin bulduğu çözüm aynı olacaktır. Matematik yalan söylemez, denklemler değişmez. Tek değişen problemin verileridir.
Bu yüzden kendime tam güvenle, Amerika çökecektir diyorum. Aslında ABD devletinin çöküşü Enron şirketinin iflası kadar kesin. Çünkü son 40 yıl, politikacılarımız yerine getiremeyecekleri vaatlerde bulundular, ödeyemeyecekleri çekleri imzaladılar.

Bu hafta Federal Hükümetin, Emekli, Dul-Yetim ve Özürlü maaşlarını ödeyen sandığın 2013 yılı raporunu inceledim. Geleceğin fotoğrafı korkunçtur. Bir yıldan kısa bir zamanda, Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun açığı, geçen yılki dehşet verici 8,6 trilyonluk tahminin üstüne 1 trilyon daha büyümüş.

Sonuç şu: Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun önümüzdeki 75 yıl içinde, şu an elimizdekinden 9,6 trilyon dolar daha fazla paraya ihtiyacı olacak. Ve bu günkü vergi sistemiyle yeteri kadar para toplanamaz.
Washington’daki ve Beyaz Saray’daki liderlerimiz halka, sosyal güvenlikleri için vaatlerde bulundular fakat bunları yerine getirecek parayı toplamak imkânsız.

Bu 9,6 trilyon dolarlık açıktan daha kötüsü Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun bu günkü kaynak yetersizliği. Pek çok konuda bütçe kısıntıları son derecede büyüktür. İşin acı tarafı, orta sınıf Amerikan vatandaşlarının cebindeki son kuruşa kadar hepsini alsak da bu açığı kapatacağımızı sanmıyorum.

ABD’nin, 2011 yılı Gayrisafi Millî Hâsılası 15 trilyon dolar; neden politikacılar ekonomimizin altından kalkamayacağı sosyal güvenlik haklarını vaat ediyorlar. Tek cevap, onlar matematiğin ne olduğunu bilmiyorlar. Aşikâr olan o ki Barack Obama basit dört işlemi yapamaz.
Dolayısıyla veriler değişmedikçe iflas ve çöküş kaçınılmaz. Yarın sabahtan başlayarak, harcadığımız yalnız cebimizdeki kadar olursa durum temelinden değişecek. Fakat politikacılardan bu harcamaları dengeli bir bütçe düzeyine indirmelerini istemek, Lindsay Lohan’dan içkiyi, daha da ötesi, John Belushi’den uyuşturucuları bırakmasını istemek gibi bir şey.

Yukarıdaki devamlı olarak sorulan ikici soru. Cevabı yine basit: Çökmeye başladık bile.
30 yaşın altında iseniz ne demek istediğimi biliyorsunuz. 30 yaşın altında olanlara yetecek kadar iş alanı yok.

Amerika, seçkin üniversitelerden diplomalı parlak zekâları ya Walmart’ta kutu taşımaya, ya da Denny’s de garsonluğa gönderiyor. Benim tanıdığım gençler, bırakın kendi alanlarında iş bulmayı, herhangi bir iş bulmakta güçlük çekiyorlar. İnanmıyorsanız, yakınınızdaki 30 yaşın altındakilere sorun, haklı olduğumu göreceksiniz.
Bunun sebebi hükümetimizin endüstriyi yok etme politikası. Amerika yavaş yavaş servetimizle birlikte imalât gücümüzü de eritti.

Şimdi dünyanın en zengin %1’i, gezegenin toplam servetinin %39’unu kontrol ediyor. Buna karşıt en alttaki %50’si dünyadaki paranın yalnız %1’ine sahip. 

Küresel finans ve politika sistemleri dünya varlıklarını zirvedeki zenginlere aktarıyor. Bu nasıl oldu diye soruyorsunuz.

Dünya zenginleri çok büyük miktarda paraları ABD ve diğer ülke hükümetlerine borç olarak verdi. Borçlanma üzerine kurulu para ve finans sistemlerimiz sıradan vatandaşın ve devletin varlıklarını küresel bankacılık sektörüne aktarıyor.
Sonra, “yıkılamayacak kadar büyük” dedikleri bankalar baskı ile değeri olan her şeyi yutuyorlar; dünyanın doğal kaynakları, kârlı işler ve arazi. Politikacıların bize vaat ettikleri sosyal güvenliğe onların ihtiyaçları olmadığı için de devletin çökmesi umurlarında değil.

Sonunda, bu kontrolsüz hırs devleti çöküş noktasına getirecek.








Early Life

The son of a sawmill worker, and the grandson of a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, Brown grew up in the Pacific Northwest in a family of Democrats with 100-year-old roots in the area. When he was in the fourth grade, his 22-year-old aunt, recently married and graduated from nursing school, was robbed and murdered.[1] He graduated from Olympia High School in Olympia, Washington in 1979, and from the University of Washington. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics. He was appointed to, but chose to leave, the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Brown credits meeting Ronald Reagan at a Masonic Temple in 1976 for sparking his interest in public service when he was fifteen years old. He is married to Mary Beth Brown, author of Condi: The Life of a Steel Magnolia, and they have 3 children.

In 1992, Brown was quoted in the Washington Times:

I have a sense of what connects with people like me. We're not culturally Republicans. We're not libertarians. We're not neo-conservatives or former liberals. We're just old-fashioned, blue-collar social conservatives. These are people who couldn't care less about politics, want to be left alone by government, but if their country calls for them to fight abroad, will. You win elections by cultivating people like me.

Political Activism

In 1988 Brown co-founded Citizens United. Several Brown-organized campaigns have been studied for their effectiveness; these include the effort to secure the confirmation of Judge Clarence Thomas, and the independent campaigns against Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton. The anti-Dukakis effort produced the famous “Willie Horton” commercial. Brown and Citizens United worked on behalf of the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. At the time, Brown articulated the bitterness of mainstream conservatives of Citizens United when told the New York Times, "What people don't understand is how bitter conservatives are about Bork," referring to Robert Bork, a previous conservative judge nominated by Reagan but unconfirmed to the court by Congress. In a 2007 CNN documentary, Broken Government: Campaign Killers, journalist Campbell Brown, who is not related to Floyd Brown, interviewed him briefly on the subject of the Willie Horton ad, but not about a racy ad with a toll-free number that listeners could call to hear a recording of Gennifer Flowers, a woman who had been the subject of inquiries into President Bill Clinton. Campbell Brown attributed the Flowers ad to David Bossie rather than Floyd Brown, prompting Citizens United to threaten a lawsuit, and to distinguish between its activities, and those of Floyd Brown, the "true" author of the Flowers ad.

Republican Party

He is active in the Republican Party and was a delegate to both the 2000 and 1996 National conventions. In 1996 he served on the Republican National Convention Platform Committee. He has been an advisor and consultant to the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush, Bob Dole and Steve Forbes for President Campaigns. He was Midwest Regional Director of the Dole for President Campaign in 1988, managing campaigns in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska.

Federal Election Commission Complaint

In 1992, Brown headed ups the Presidential Victory Committee, which backed the candidacy of George H.W. Bush. In March of that year the Bush campaign sought to halt the committee's efforts to raise money. Bobby Burchfield, acting as Bush campaign counsel, wrote to Brown, "Your group has neither asked for nor received permission to solicit funds using the name of George Bush. The president strongly disapporoves of this misleading use of his name and reputation."

CBS Evening News reported that Floyd Brown harassed the family of Susann Coleman, a former law student of Bush's opponent Bill Clinton. Coleman had committed suicide, and Brown was attempting to investigate a rumor that she had had an affair with Clinton. David Bossie reportedly stalked the Coleman family while working for Brown. In April, 1992, 30 news organizations received "an anonymous and untraceable letter" by fax "claiming Clinton had had an affair with a former law student who committed suicide 15 years ago." Floyd Brown attempted to investigate any connection between Clinton and the 1977 suicide of this, "emotionally distraught young woman, seven-months pregnant," Susann Coleman.

In an audiotaped phone conversation with Coleman's sister, the following exchange took place:

Brown: Was she depressed? See, you won't even answer if she was depressed.
Coleman's Sister: Because I—
Brown: Was she suicidal?
Coleman's Sister: Just leave my family alone.
Brown: You're making it so difficult for me to leave your family out of it.

Two days after the CBS charges aired, the Bush-Quayle campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Brown, seeking to distance itself from his tactics, and calling Brown and his associates "the lowest forms of life".

Whitewater Controversy and Clinton Impeachment

Brown figured prominently in two ways in the Whitewater controversy of the Clinton presidential administration. Brown was investigating Clinton. Brown was contacted by David Hale a municipal judge facing indictment for fraud, then functioning as a paid informant for the FBI. Under the auspices of Citizens United, Brown issued letters to 100,000 donors to Citizens United, asking for money and saying that he had proof that President Bill Clinton had engaged "in a massive cover-up and conspiracy to obstruct justice" in the investigations surrounding the Whitewater controversy. At the same time that Brown was investigating the Clintons, he was using the tax-exempt status of Citizens United to acquire funds, urging his donors to fill out an "emergency impeachment" survey, utilized a push-poll technique. Brown's fundraising literature said, "Our top investigator, David Bossie, is on the inside directing the probe as Special Assistant to U.S. Senator Lauch Faircloth on the U.S. Senate Whitewater Committee."

Obama Attacks in 2008 Presidential Race

In the spring of 2008, working for The National Campaign Fund, Floyd Brown launched what he called "the most internet-intensive effort for an ad debut ever" to disseminate via what he claimed was three to five million emails to conservatives to imply that Barack Obama had been "soft" on crime as a state senator in Illinois before his presidential candidacy. The initiative was funded by a political action committee calling itself the "National Campaign Fund," which had $14,027 in the bank at the end of March, 2008. Other Brown-established groups to raise funds in this effort include a 527 group Citizens for a Safe and Prosperous America. Brown also uses a 501(c)4 non-profit to raise funds for the Policy Issues Institute. Brown made appearances to promote his ad and his company on a news network, Fox News,[18] In response to the attack ad, Newsweek published a report on the ad, saying it was the attempt of "a conservative ad man striving to regain his Willie Horton notoriety" and directed readers to factcheck.org to get information on Obama's voting record. The report includes a swipe at MSNBC's Chris Matthews for airing the ad continuously, pointing to Brown's strategy of getting "free" air time for ads by making them controversial.

Brown's fundraising strength is diminished by the hesitance of large donors to leave themselves vulnerable to the legal difficulties encountered by donors to "swiftboat" ad efforts in the 2004 election cycle, and to new laws which curtail some of the more offensive content of political ads by 527 groups. As some of the contributors to the "swiftboat" ads in 2004 faced stiff fines from the FEC, Brown has refrained from operating out of 527 groups and opted for the PAC platform and budgeting from small donors. Brown's stated goal is to release one new attack ad every two weeks, and recently released an advertisement asserting that Obama was registered as a Muslim student in Indonesia, and that he attended an Indonesian school that taught Islam as a child. The claim has been refuted by the Obama campaign. As of March 2008, Brown had raised $50,000, and spent $5,000.00 on actual ad buys, also posting the ad on YouTube and other public platforms

In August 2008 Brown teamed up with writer and entrepreneur Jerome Corsi to promote Corsi's book Obama Nation via viral web campaigns and emailings.

National Campaign Fund And Other PACs

Brown was a co-founder in 2007, with Bruce E. Hawkins, James V. Lacey, Tim Kelley, and Michael Reagan, of the National Campaign Fund in support of GOP presidential candidates Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and in opposition to Democratic presidential candidate New York Sen. Hillary Clinton.

An affiliated 527 called Citizens for a Safe and Prosperous America was also formed in late 2007.

ExposeObama.com is an anti-Barack Obama website created by Brown and his National Campaign Fund. The website purports to show that the Democratic nominee has inconsistent positions regarding abortion, taxes and other issues, in addition to being soft on crime and on what the site calls "Islamo Fascism".[26] The website has been criticized in media accounts for "mudslinging" and misrepresenting Obama's positions.

In January 2009, Jim Lacy, Brown's associate in the National Campaign Fund, issued a press release from the "Legacy Political Action Committee" unveiling its new web campaign to unseat Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Also listed in the team of consultants were "experienced opposition researcher Jim Sills, and William Saracino, a political consultant. The campaign against Reid was launched based on polling provided by NSON Opinion Research, owned by Ronald T. Nielson.

Reagan's Ranch

From 2001 until 2006 Brown served as the executive director of the West Coast office of Young America's Foundation. YAF is the largest right-wing campus organization in the U.S. It operates the Reagan Ranch, also known as Rancho del Cielo, and conducts conferences, seminars, internships and disseminates educational materials nationwide. As executive director Brown oversaw the preservation of the historic Reagan Ranch and the building of the 20 million dollar Reagan Ranch Center in downtown Santa Barbara, California.

Author And Political Commentator

Brown is the author of Slick Willie: Why America Cannot Trust Bill Clinton, published in 1992. Brown often claims publicly that the book reached "best-selling" status and sold 200,000 copies, but the New York Times determined that the sales figures were only 50,000. Brown co-authored Prince Albert: The Life and Lies of Al Gore, a book about Al Gore's environmental work, with David Bossie. Brown also authored Say the Right Thing, a collection of conservative sayings.

Brown has written extensively for many publications including the San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Times, National Review, and Human Events. As a commentator, he has appeared on numerous network and cable TV shows including: CNN’s Crossfire, the CBS Evening News, ABC’s Primetime, NBC’s Today show, FOX News, MSNBC and more. From 1995 until 2000 he hosted his own talk radio show on Seattle’s KVI 570 AM.

Real Estate Investor And Financial Consultant

Floyd Brown is a paid consultant for The Oxford Club, a "membership only" organization that reports it has a membership of 65,000 in "over" 110 countries. The mission of the organization is to assist members to "create a financial legacy for their families that is shielded from excessive taxation, seizure, fraud, and inflation." The Oxford Club sponsors conferences and travel for investors, and is based in Baltimore, Maryland. It touts its "special alerts" to prompt members to pick certain stocks to buy, and to consult its "Investment University" series for advice from Brown and other consultants, to learn "what universities cannot teach you." The Oxford club compares its exclusivity with that of Skull and Bones at Yale, and charges an annual membership fee of $79.00. In return, members are promised "insider information." In promotional materials, The Oxford Club lists its accomplishments as helping various members to earn 234% return on investment in a Chinese metal producer, 171% per cent on a commercial property trust, 107% on "the soon-to-be-leader in Chinese life insurance, and 394% on a major pharmaceutical research firm.

Floyd Brown is a contributor to the Jutia Group, founded by Stephen Oakes, a contrarian financial analyst who "can raid equities on any time frame". The Jutia Group uses "technical indicators" to "leap ahead of institutional buyers and sellers to capture huge profits."

On April 1, 2008, Brown appeared on Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto business program, described only as "real estate investor," in a segment titled "New Foreclosure Bailout: Do Homeowners Really Need it?" and stated, "We agree in the fact that the government made this mess. They clearly helped foster it. I think Alan Greenspan kept rates too low after the 2001 recession and that caused way too much liquidity to flow into the markets…"

In May 2008, Brown recommended investment in the Dodge and Cox Stock Fund, a mutual fund that had recently offered a rare opening to new investors. Dodge and Cox held shares in AIG, among others.

In July 2008, Brown spoke at an Oxford Club conference in Squaw Valley, California, and recommended that participants purchase Lehman Brothers stock, which, "after it tosses all its bad stuff and takes a hit, should be 'a steal'". In addition, Brown recommended Citigroup, as well as media stocks such as Belo, Gannett, Time Warner.

Quotes by Floyd Brown

My families were radicals who were willing to die for their beliefs. I guess I must have gotten some of my grandfather's blood, because I'm willing to do what I have to."

"When we're though, people are going to think that Willie Horton is Michael Dukakis's nephew."

"What people don't understand is how bitter conservatives are about Bork."

"If people killed themselves over an editorial, this town (Washington, D.C.) would be a ghost town."

"President Reagan understood the American people and would never have asked them to join an unending war with no clear objectives and end point."

"It is absolutely critical that Obama's negatives go up with Republicans."

My suggestion is that you take your time accumulating shares while investing in these oil companies over the next three months. From there, just watch them head higher. I guarantee you'll feel better about pulling up to the pump and paying a higher price for gas this summer." January 17, 2008.

"Those liberals, they start to foam at the mouth when they hear my name."

"Would you go to jail over a political ad?" to NPR, August 2008

Quotes About Floyd Brow

Time (magazine): “Brown has stature among devoted conservatives that almost matches his physical heft (6 ft. 6 in. and 240 lbs.)”

Salon.com magazine: "He has given conservatism a rank smell for two decades—and if there is a racist odor to the coming general election campaign, it is likely to emanate from his vicinity." (April 25, 2008)

Mary Matalin: "I'm not a big fan of Floyd Brown...He gave us the Willie Horton ads that the Republican Party has had to eat for two election cycles now."

USA Today: "[Brown has] established himself as one of the nation's dirtiest political strategists."

George Stephanopoulos: "Floyd Brown is a slimy thug for hire."



Emel Vildan DÜZENLİ, İstanbul Ağustos.2013

http://www.medyagunebakis.com/  <eveerciyas@gmail.com>,

TDFAJANSToplum Dinamikleri Fikir Ajansı

Sosyal, Kültürel, Ticari, Eğitim ve Sanatsal Alanlarda;

Düşünce Üretimi. Paylaşımı. Toplum Yararına kullanımı.!

Bilgi Sahibi Olmadan Fikir Sahibi Olunamaz.! Olunsa olunsa;

Ancak Başkalarının Fikirlerini Tekrarlayan Papağan Olunur.

Emel Vildan DÜZENLİ, İstanbul Ağustos.2013



Sinan OĞAN @sinan_ogan2 sa

Oy Verin AKP'ye Gitsin PKK'ya...

Önümüzdeki Yerel Seçimlerin Sloganı


Rakı İçerek Yapılanları,

Ayran İçerek Sattılar, Yıktılar.!.  Bekir Coşkun


Who İs İt.?  Wanted.!.
"White Men Have Forked Tounge.!."

“Dili Çatallı, İki Dilli Beyaz Erkek.!.”

Türkçesi; Yalancı, İki Yüzlü Adam.!.

Kızılderili Deyişi....


Hiç Bir Şey İçin Aşırı Endişe Etmeyin.

Bakarsınız; Yarın Ya Deve, Ya Deveci

Ya da Üstündeki Hacı Ölebilir.!. İ.İnönü


Nene dedim.

“Dedem Sana Hiç Çiçek Aldı mı.?”
Durdu ve Şöyle Dedi:

“Bana Aldığı Fistanların Hepsi Çiçekliydi.!.!”



“Hukuk Üstün Değilse, Adalet Yok Hükmündedir.!”

"Türk Yargısında Kronik İşlev Bozukluğu Var"

Bağımsız Bir Millet Olan Papua Yeni Gine, 

Parlamenter Demokrasi Sistemini Kabul Etmiş


"Adil Yargılamayı Etkileme Suçunun Oluşabilmesi

İçin, Öncelikle Adil Yargılamanın Olması Gerekir."

Türkiye, ‘Hukuk Devleti İlkesizlikleriyle Malul’

Ülkeler Kategorisini Oluşturan ‘Hibrit Rejimler’

Arasında 88. Sıradadır.  Av. Ayşe Eren


* * * * * * * * * *



Yaşasın Halkların Kardeşliği.!.





Hazırlanmakta olan AKP Anayasası

Halkımız İçin Kölelik Anayasasıdır,







TEMA Vakfı Eko Siyaset Bildirgesi:

 “Salt ekonomi odaklı projeler dönemi bitmeli,

Ekolojik Siyaset dönemi başlamalıdır.!.”




“Yaşamın sürdürülebilmesinin” ve

“sürdürülebilir gelişmenin” ön koşulu

“çevrenin, toprağın, suyun, ormanın,

biyoçeşitliliğin” korunarak yönetilmesidir.






Bir Memlekette, Namuslular, Namussuzlar

Kadar Cesur Olmadıkça, O Memlekette

Kurtuluş Yoktur. İ.İnönü

Huzuri.1923 - Kurtuluş Savaşının En İyi Anlatımı


Kızardık, Bozardık, Yandık Yakıldık

Uzun Boylu Harareti Sor Bize.

Mateme Tutulduk, Yes’e Kapıldık,

Unutulmaz Sefaleti Sor Bize.!.


Çün Dest-İ Sakiden Nuş Ettik Kevser

Cennetle Cehennem Oldu Her Yer.

Atladık Sırat’ı, Kopardık Mahşer,

Gittik, Geldik Kıyameti Sor Bize.!.


Huzuri.1923 - Kurtuluş Savaşının En İyi Anlatımı

Ülkeyi Dini İrticadan Kurtarmanın Tek Yolu

Millete Kuran’ı Türkçe Olarak Okutmaktır.!.

Şartlar Gelişirse İhtilal’ler Hak Olur.!.

İrtica Başbakan’dan Cesaret Bulursa,

Kim Onun Sokağa Dökülmesini Önleyebilir.?

İrtica’nın Sokağa Dökülmesi İse Ülkenin Kana

Bulanmasıdır. İ.İnönü

Biz Açıkça Milliyetçiyiz...

Ve Milliyetçilik Bizim Yegâne Birlik

Unsurumuzdur. Türk Ekseriyetinde Diğer

Unsurların Hiçbir Etkisi Yoktur. Vazifemiz

Türk Vatanı İçinde Türklüğü Yaşatmaktır.

Türkleri Ve Türklüğe Muhalefet Edecek

Öğeleri Kestirip Atacağız. Ülkeye Hizmet

Edeceklerde Her Şeyin Üstünde Aradığımız

Türk Olmalarıdır. İ.İnönü


Kızıldere Şehitleri Ölümsüzdür
Onlar Halkın Yüreğinde Yer Edinmişlerdi
Her Şey Özgür Bir Vatan İçin Dediler
Hiç Bir Tereddüt Etmeden Toprağa Düştüler
Anıları Önünde Saygıyla Eğiliyorum.
Yaşasın Devrim,Yaşasın Sosyalizm.!.


"Siz Bana Din İle Refaha Ulaşmış Bir Toplum

Gösterin, Ben de Size Devrim İle Geri Kalmış

Bir Toplum Göstereyim".!. E. Che Guevara


“Yurda Ve Halkın Özgürlüğüne

Düşman Olanlar,

Her Zaman Halkın Soylu Davası

Uğrunda Kendilerini Feda


Haydut Gözüyle Bakmışlardır.”

Emiliano Zapata

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