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New Law Requiring Isps To Make Web User Data Available To Authorities İs Threat To Democracy,
Turkey pushes through new raft of 'draconian' internet restrictions
New Law Requiring Isps To Make Web User Data Available To Authorities İs Threat To Democracy, Says Opposition Party.. Computer users in an internet cafe in Istanbul Photograph: Ugur Can/AFP/Getty Images The Turkish government has been accused of imposing draconiancensorship after pushing harsh new internet curbs through parliament. The internet law was met with outrage in Turkey on Wednesday night, with opposition parties accusing the government of wanting to introduce ever tighter control by bypassing the courts. The regulations were adopted after a heated parliamentary debate on Wednesday, during which one MP of the main opposition People's Republican party CHP compared the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyıp Erdoğan, to Hitler. The law now needs to be signed by the Turkish president, Abdullah Gül, to come into effect. "When you came into power you talked of increasing democracy in Turkey, but now you are trying to implement fascism," Hasan Ören said. "Remember that Adolf Hitler used the same methods when he rose to power." The new measures will allow TIB-Turkey's telecommunications authority to block any website within four hours without first seeking a court ruling. The law also obliges internet providers to store all data on web users' activities for two years and make it available to the authorities upon request. TurkeyPushe
The deputy prime minister, Bülent Arınç, rejected talk of censorship. "We are freer and have more press freedom than many other countries in the world," he said. However, critics say the law violates citizens' rights to freedom of expression and current privacy rights, turning Turkey into an Orwellian surveillance state. "The new internet law is catastrophic for Turkey," said Özgür Uçkan, professor at the communications department of Istanbul's Bilgi University and member of the Alternative Informatics Association. "It makes censorship and surveillance legal in Turkey, which is contrary to our constitution and to all international conventions that Turkey is party to." He warned that the new regulations gave almost unlimited powers to Turkey's telecommunications authority: "The law will turn the TIB into an NSA-like body. What is more is that any bureaucrat can now decide to take down a certain website without having to apply for a court order, but you will need to take that decision to court in order to get it reversed." Censorship and a very tight control of the internet are already a reality in Turkey. According to, around 40,500 websites were blocked in Turkey by the beginning of February – 10,000 more than in April last year. The latest Freedom of the Net" report published by Freedom House describes the Turkish internet as "partially free". Human rights groups have also expressed their concern about the new law. "It is worrying that the law puts control over the internet further in the hands of the government and away from judicial oversight," said Andrew Gardner, Turkey researcher for Amnesty International. "And the government has already shown itself to have very little tolerance towards dissent and opposing opinions." He added that the law would also facilitate a more targeted censorship, such as of individual Twitter profiles. Internet-cafe-Istanbul TurkeyPushe Social media played a major role during last summer's anti-government protest, prompting Erdoğan to call Twitter "a menace to society". "Economically the law is also a catastrophe," Uçkan said. "All secret company data will be accessible to the state. Companies who can afford it will move their operations elsewhere." • This article was amended on 9 February to make it clear that the new measures allow websites to be taken down within four hours, not 24 as originally stated Ökkeş Bölükbaşı, İstanbul – Mart.2014 -,, İnternetime Dokunma Eylemi
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Recep Tayyip Erdogan: the Turkish prime minister who isn't all thereIstanbul clashes over Turkey's new internet laws TurkeyPushe
The scandal-dogged politician appeared to supporters at a rally in the form of a hologram Name: Recep Tayyip Erdogan Age: 59 Appearance: Fleeting, evanescent. Is he a ghost.? No, he's alive. In fact, he's the prime minister of Turkey. So what is he, in hiding.? No, he's just busy. Erdogan was unable to attend last Sunday's rally for the ruling Justice and Development party, so he made alternative arrangements. He sent a trusted emissary.? No, he sent a giant hologram of himself. You're making that up. Not at all. Erdogan's projected avatar spoke to cheering supporters, saying: "We are going to elections in the shadow of attacks prepared by treasonous networks." Funny, that's exactly the sort cryptic, haunting thing you would expect a ghost to say. Erdogan's government is currently mired in a damaging corruption scandal – three ministers have resigned – but Erdogan blames the investigation of misdeeds involving a state-run bank on "external and internal dark groups" and a "parallel structure" within the state. ng a new project to help activists on the ground cut ng a new project to help activists on the ground cut through censorship and spying in Turkey Turkey Pushe
What does that mean.? He's basically saying he's the victim of shadowy forces inside government. That's a bit rich coming from a giant hologram. Is he the first person in history to do this weird thing.? He's not even the first politician. During his 2012 campaign for reelection, Gujarat's chief minister, Narendra Modi, beamed his speechifying avatar to 53 different sites simultaneously, earning himself a mention in the Guinness Book of World Records. Did he win.? He did. And that same year holography was famously used to project an image of deceased rapper Tupac on to a stage, where it performed alongside Snoop Dogg. Even Prince Charles once deployed a hologram to make a virtual appearance at the World Future Energy Summit. Does the technology have any non-creepy applications.? Not so far, no. How does it work.? It's quite simple: a three-dimensional image is projected in two dimensions on to a special transparent foil. The result is not a true hologram, but it does create the illusion of a figure in space. I don't get it. Me neither. Would you mind asking someone else.? Do say: "It's so great to see you here, prime minister.!" Don't say: "Can I shake your hand.?" turkey-Youth in Taksim Square protes TurkeyPushe Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Tüm yoktur Türk başbakanı
Skandal-peşini politikacı bir hologram şeklinde bir mitingde destekçilerine çıktı Adı: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Yaş: 59 Görünüş: kısacık, yiten, Bir hayalet mi.? Hayır, o yaşıyor. Aslında, bir başbakanın Türkiye . Yani saklanıyor, nedir.? Hayır, o sadece meşgul. Erdoğan, iktidardaki Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi için geçen Pazar günkü mitinge katılamayan oldu, o yüzden alternatif düzenlemeler yaptı. O güvenilir bir elçi gönderdi.? Hayır, kendisi dev bir hologram gönderdi . Sen uyduruyorsun. Hiç de değil. Erdoğan'ın öngörülen avatar söyleyerek, destekçileri tezahürat konuştu: ". Biz hain ağları tarafından hazırlanan saldırıların gölgesinde seçimlere gidiyoruz" . Komik, tam bir hayalet söylemek beklediğiniz şifreli, musallat şey nevi Erdoğan'ın hükümeti henüz saplanıp edilir zararlı yolsuzluk skandalının üç bakan istifa etti - - ama Erdoğan harici "bir devlet bankasının karıştığı kötülüklerine soruşturma suçluyor ve iç karanlık gruplar "ve" devlet içinde paralel bir yapı ". Ne demek bu.? O temelde o hükümetin içinde karanlık güçlerin kurbanı olduğunu söylüyor. Bu dev bir hologram gelen biraz zengin, O bu garip şey tarihte ilk kişi mi.? Hatta ilk politikacı değil. Yeniden seçilmek için yaptığı 2012 kampanyası sırasında, Gujarat baş bakanı, Narendra Modi, aynı anda 53 farklı sitelere yaptığı vaazlar avatar kirişlikendini Dünya Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı'nda bir söz kazanç. Kazandı mı.? Yaptı. Ve aynı yıl ünlü holografi için kullanılan bir aşamaya ölen rapçi Tupac bir görüntü proje Snoop Dogg yanında gerçekleştirilen,. Hatta Prens Charles bu kez Dünya Gelecek Enerji Zirvesi'nde bir sanal görünüm yapmak için bir hologram konuşlandırıldı. Turkish women using mobile phones at a protest against police violence
Teknoloji herhangi olmayan ürpertici uygulamalar var mı.? Değil şimdiye kadar, hayır, Nasıl çalışır.? Bu oldukça basit: Bir üç boyutlu görüntü özel bir şeffaf folyo üzerine iki boyutlu olarak tahmin edilmektedir. Sonuç gerçek bir hologram değil, ama uzayda bir rakam yanılsamasını yaratır. Ben alamadım. Benimde. Eğer başkasına soran mısın.? Diyorsunuz: "Bu, burada başbakan görmek çok harika!" Deme: "Ben senin elini sıkmak mıyım.?" Ökkeş Bölükbaşı, İstanbul – Mart.2014 -,, –E.mail:,, MEDYAJANS – Toplum Dinamikleri Fikir Ajansı Sosyal, Kültürel, Ticari, Eğitim ve Sanatsal Alanlarda; Düşünce Üretimi. Paylaşımı. Toplum Yararına kullanımı.! Bilgi Sahibi Olmadan Fikir Sahibi Olunamaz.! Olunsa olunsa; Ancak Başkalarının Fikirlerini Tekrarlayan Papağan Olunur. Ökkeş Bölükbaşı, İstanbul – Mart.2014 -, |
Tayyip Erdoğan: Hırsızlık babadan evlada geçer. ile Ebubekir60
Tayyip Erdoğan, AKP: Ayakkabı Kutusu Partisi
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Trabzonlular Birleşiniz. Trabzonlu İşadamları, İşkadınları, Çalışanlar, Genç Kızlar-Erkekler, Okuyan çocuklar Birlik ve Bütünlüğü Sağlamak Sizin Ellerinizde..!
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